King Green Lion of Goh Cho Kun
青獅是起源於福建省的舞獅藝術形式,當時作為反清運動的象徵,該運動的⼝號是 “反清復
1644 年明朝滅亡後,入侵的滿洲⼈推翻了明朝⽽建立了清朝,这个时候綠獅主要由功夫追隨者
• 獅⼦的牙如利刃,象徵著滿清軍隊的殘暴與兇猛。
• ⽩眉象徵著⼤清的權威、它兇猛的樣⼦讓⼈想起清軍征服中國南⽅時,百姓所遭受的破壞。
• 綠⾊象徵著負責執⾏清朝鎮壓 叛亂的清軍部隊,清字在閩南語中與“清”、”青”同⾳,因此向
清朝政府當局隱藏了舞獅真正的本質 ,讓它看起來就像是⼀隻普通當地的青獅。
• 獅⼦的前額剃光禿禿的,⽽頂部的後⽑代表滿族⼈的髮型,這種髮型被強加給所有漢族男
性、前額剃光,讓頂部後⾯的⽑髮向下⽣長並編成辮⼦。 任何拒絕遵守這⼀髮型法令的⼈都
• 額頭正中為代表清朝皇帝的“王”字。練功夫的⼈象徵著明朝⼦⺠對清朝的⾂服。
⼀直到1912 年清朝滅亡後,習武的⼈最終控制了局⾯。這時候就變成了習武之⼈反回來主宰著
The Green Lion 青狮 is a lion dance art form originated in Fujian province 福建 as a symbol of
anti Manchu movements the slogan of the movement was 反清复明 (Fan Qing Fu Ming)
“Oppose the Qing, restore the Ming”.
After the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1644 when it was over thrown by the invading
Manchurians establishing the Qing dynasty 清代 the green lion was introduced mainly by
kung fu practitioners of the Tai Cho- Goh Cho Kun kung fu followers 太祖五祖拳.
The sharp fangs like blades of the lion symbolized the Manchurian army their brutality and
The white eyebrow symbolizes the authority of the Qing.
Its ferocious look was a reminder of the devastation that occurred during the Qing conquest of
Southern China.
The color green symbolizes the Qing constabulary forces that are in charge of enforcing Qing
rules and suppressing all rebellion also the word Qing 清have the same sound in Hokkian dialect
the color green “qing 青” thus hiding the true essence of this routine from Qing authorities
making it appear as Qing Lion.
The bold or shaven forehead and wavy back hair of the lion represents the Manchu hair style
this hair style was to be forced upon to all male Han Chinese as a symbol of submission and
loyalty to the Qing, they are to have their fore head shaven and have the remaining top back
hair grow down and que braided. Anyone who refused to adhere to this hair style edict was to
be charged with treason and imprisoned, the notorious phrase was “shave your forehead or
lose your head”.
At the centre of the forehead is the word King 王 representing the emperor of the Qing
The kung fu fighter symbolizes the Ming loyalist resistance against the Qing.
During the Qing period this routine was perform with the green lion dominating the kung fu
fighter thus allowing this practice to continue using it as a means to practice their martial skills
without arousing suspicion from Qing authorities.
After the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1912 it was reversed the kung fu fighter end up controlling
and dominating the green lion.
Today the king green lion no longer symbolizes any political agendas it now represents cultural prsperity and stability
green = abundance and prosperity
red = good fortune
long hair and long beard = long life and wisdom
fierce face = ward off evil spirits
kung fu warrior = security